11 August 2010



sea fishing is all about challenging yourself and pushing the envelope and not to forget enjoyment, Sea fishing is by no means easy however there are a few ways to improve your angling.

If you are lucky there will be others to help you pick up new tips and even show you how , this information is invaluable to both beginners and experienced anglers remember sea fishing knowledge reverts to a better chance of that once of a life time monster fish.
As suggested earlier always check your fishing equipment Making sure you have the right tools for the job is paramount; you wouldn't want that record breaking conger eel to get away because of a rusty hook or a broken swivel.
Selecting the right sea fishing tackle gear! Everyone has a personal preference when it comes to sea rods through to sea rigs; the important thing is find something that suits you not everyone else. Set yourself a target and try and stick to it, as you gain experience you can then progress onto more advanced tactics.

Sea Rigs made easy. Just because you cant tie a rig doesn't mean you're a bad sea angler! There are lots of Ready made Rigs available from your local tackle shop.even last weekend i bought a few rigs though i can make them myself.

The right equipment is very important  and can be bought very cheaply from your local tackle shop ,these are really beginners rods and reels like a taster type of thing very good for beachcasting ,piers, low-income earner ,occasional weekend fisherman and someone who isn't quite sure wether they will take it on for a hobby,in fact i have my first rod and reel both still working and in good condition .

Casting is quite easy and all to do with timing ,as you bring the rod back over your shoulder you have the bail arm off and far enough away from the arm of the reel to avoid snap casts clasp the reel with forefinger(where the bail arm suddenly clips over and stopping cast mid cast therefore snapping the line and losing weight,rig ,hooks and time, ) bring the rod over the shoulder and its at almost at an angle  to your back ,then in one swift motion with the bail arm off cast your arm back and just before the cast is complete you let go of the line and watch as your rig goes out into the sea complete with bait ,let it sink for a bit then put bail arm over into its correct position reel in the slack so the line is quite tight then put rod down and wait .

When you have a bite you can use a bite detector ie a bell attached to a peg,when that rings you know that within minutes it is a battle of skills and extreme patience ,wait for another bite to make sure the fish wasn't just tasting it ,as striking to early can pull the bait out of its mouth,

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