Hello! Welcome to the online home of fishing for the blind angler.
We offer the chance for any person wether disabled or not the chance to enjoy the wonderful world of fishing ,from the adrenalin of catching your first fish to the relaxation and enjoying the peace and quiet of your surroundings.
There are numerous methods of angling but to accomplish these most people have that wonderful lifelong ability called sight ,but some people do not have this capability ,now there is a way for the blind person to enjoy this sport and hobby much the same way as any sighted person after all the saying goes plenty of fish in the sea ,i have over the years done a lot of fishing and my son has also taken to this as much as me ,he is blind and has been for a number of years ,we have gone out in boats deep sea fishing and inland river fishing ,he has taken to going out by himself and all because of this wonderful sport which encourages his self confidence .
All to do with using the senses in his fingers he can tell if he has a bite or if his line is out far enough or in to close .